Thursday, March 7, 2013

I workout!

I'm trying to get back on the diet and workout trail. Diet's been going pretty well.. working out? EHHHHHH :/ Better, but definitely not as regular or as much as I should be doing. I get on my running kicks (even though I hate running! but that's probably because I'm out of shape and it's hard)! No excuses. I WANT to be a runner... I enjoy the way I feel when it's over, it's just the doing it part I don't like. Overall, I would just rather veg out on my couch than do any kind of exercise... LOL (lazy, I know, but I don't!) So I'm going to talk about some of the types of workouts I like to do, because there are so many out there, you just have to find out what you like because it's easier to stick to.

ZUMBA.. Probably my favorite. I love to dance and the class is just so fun and energetic that it just puts you in a good mood. I started doing to Zumba about 5 1/2 years ago and I loved it from the beginning (it was also A LOT harder than I thought!). I will say that instructors can seriously make a class from being pretty good to FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!!!!!! If you don't belong to a gym there are alot of instructors out there that teach class for the public and usually it's around $5 a class, and you can also try the video games. I own 2 of them and I do like them, but I personally like the classes much better. After I lose this weight and get in better shape, I want to become a Zumba instructor so maybe more on that later!

Bikram Yoga is new obsession of mine, only taking my first class about a year ago. This is hot yoga... HOWEVER, there is hot yoga that's not bikram yoga (but I think the original hot yoga is bikram). I've never tried the other hot yoga classes, but I LOOOOVE this one. The room is heated to around 105F and it's the same 26 postures every class. It's nothing like traditional, quiet, soothing yoga. The lights are on and the instructor talks the whole class. That being said, because of the intense heat you are very focused on yourself and your movements. I personally feel more relaxed after these classes than other yoga classes (which I do also like!). It is a little on the pricey side (at least here in NC) so unfortunately, I normally go to bikram classes.

OK, now for my love/hate relationship with running. I don't enjoy the doing, but I love the way I feel after it's over (and I feel accomplished!). I'm definitely not a natural runner, it doesn't come easy to me, which brings on the hate side of the relationship. Right now I'm doing the C25K to get started back on track. My friend Julie came to me the other day, and I was like I've finally decided what my New Year's resolution is (a little late Jules). She's getting in to running also, so she's like a want to do a 5k, a 10k, and a 1/2 marathon this year. I was thinking that sounds great, so I'm jumping on her resolution! We've signed up to do a 4k the last weekend in April, Tap 'N' Run, because me and Julie are just fun people! Combining running (healthy) and beer (not so healthy). Hey it's a good time! Now we just have to decide on the costumes... hmmmmm. Have any ideas??

So those are my main (perferred) types of workouts. What are yall's?

Southern dictionary: yall=y'all- meaning you all

<3 have a great day!

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